As much as 0.19 million tonnes of microfibers from the production and normal use of synthetic textiles, particularly domestic laundry of clothing... MicroplasticsMaxine BedatJune 19, 2020GreenComment
The share of production costs of Nike and Adidas shoes that ends up in a worker’s pocket is 30 percent less than in the early 1990s. LaborMaxine BedatJune 19, 2020YellowComment
In a small survey of garment workers in Ethiopia wages averaged $2/day. Labor, EthiopiaMaxine BedatJune 19, 2020GreenComment
The minimum wage for garment workers in Bangladesh as of December 2018 was 8,000 takka (approx. $95) a month. Labor, BangladeshMaxine BedatJune 19, 2020GreenComment
It’s estimated that the average percentage of the final retail cost of a garment made in the developing world that goes to the garment worker ranges from 0.5- 4% LaborMaxine BedatJune 19, 2020RedComment
If brands absorbed the cost of paying living wages within their supply chains, it would cost them less than 1 percent of the price of a garment. LaborMaxine BedatJune 19, 2020YellowComment
In India, a major textile manufacturing country, 50.7% of factories do not comply with the countries' minimum wage laws. Labor, IndiaMaxine BedatJune 19, 2020GreenComment
In many Asian nations, the sector's minimum wages are less than half of what can be considered a living wage. LaborMaxine BedatJune 19, 2020YellowComment
The largest number of child laborers is found in the Asia-Pacific region. LaborMaxine BedatJune 19, 2020YellowComment
If H&M raised the cost for a t-shirt by an additional 12 to 25 cents, it could allow the worker to earn a living wage. LaborMaxine BedatJune 19, 2020OrangeComment
The garment, textile and footwear (GTF) industry employed more than 43 million women and men in developing Asia. LaborMaxine BedatJune 19, 2020YellowComment
300 million people work in the clothing industry value chain. LaborMaxine BedatJune 19, 2020OrangeComment