Estimates suggest as much as 95 percent of clothes discarded in the US could be used again—re-worn, reused or recycled—depending on the state of the textile wastes. Waste, USMaxine BedatJune 19, 2020OrangeComment
The US exported more than 1.68 billion pounds of used clothes valued at more than $681 million. Waste, USMaxine BedatJune 19, 2020GreenComment
In the US, less than 20 percent of clothing donations sent to charities are actually resold at those charities. Waste, USMaxine BedatJune 19, 2020YellowComment
In the US the recycling rate for textiles in clothing and footwear is 13.6 percent. Waste, USMaxine BedatJune 19, 2020GreenComment
In the US, the main source of textiles in municipal solid waste (MSW) is discarded clothing. Waste, USMaxine BedatJune 19, 2020GreenComment
US MSW landfills received 11.2 million tons of textiles in 2017. This was 8 percent of all MSW landfilled. Waste, USMaxine BedatJune 19, 2020GreenComment
In 2017, the last year for which the EPA has data, the US landfilled or burned 14.32 million tons of textile waste - or about 88 pounds per person. Waste, USMaxine BedatJune 19, 2020GreenComment
In 1987 US shoppers devoted about 5% of their discretionary spending to clothes. In 2017 it was about 2%. Consumption, USMaxine BedatJune 19, 2020GreenComment